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Reading Section

  Nicholas Agnatius Medawar was a businessman born in Lebanon but he was naturalized as a British citizen. He used to manufacture dental and optical instruments for a living, in England, which is where he met his wife, Edith Muriel Dowling, English born and bred. Early on in their marriage, in 1913, they made the decision to move to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. to open an English Optics branch and just two years later they welcomed their third offspring, a boy who they name Peter. In 1928, Peter Medawar, having stood out early for his love in biology, started his studies at the Marlborough College in Wiltshire, England and by 1932 he had moved on to Magdalen College in Oxford where he would study zoology. In 1935, after having acquired his Bachelor’s degree, he became a research Scholar and gained first place as the St. John’s College microbiology chair in Oxford. He was only 24 years old at the time.

  During World War II, Medawar served at the Burns Unit of Glasgow’s Royal Infirmary where he started realizing that the burn victims would probably reject their skin grafts (skin taken from another part of the body so as to attach it to the burnt area) and, as a consequence, they would pass away. His brilliance figured out that the problem was of a biological nature instead of one based on the skills of the performing surgeon which was the prevalent opinion at the time and, thus, he eventually found a way for his transplant patients to live through their surgeries. After years of studies and hard work, Peter Medawar received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work on acquired immunological tolerance in 1960. He was the first person without a Phd in his field to get the award as, when it was him time to acquire it, he did not have the £25 fee required His research changed the future of transplants and the survival rate of the patient; he founded the International Transplantation Society and became its first president. In 1962 he became the Director of the National Institute for Medical Research and three years later he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. Sir Peter Medawar was 72 years old when he died of a stroke in October 2, 1987. His wife, Jean Shinglewood Taylor, an accomplished woman herself, gave him two sons and two daughters. They got married February 27, 1937; she died in 2005.

1. Where was Medawar’s mother born?




 Rio de Janeiro

2. When was Medawar born?

a. 1915

b. 1913

c. 1932

d. 1928

3. What is a skin graft?

a. Graphic tattoos

b. Transplanted tissue

c. Burnt areas of the body

d. Burn victims

4. According to the article, what did people believe about transplant surgeries during WWII?

a. It was certain that the burn victim would die

b. It was of a biological nature

c. It was based on the quality of the skin graft

d. It was in the hands of the surgical specialist

5. In the last line of the fourth paragraph, what does ‘he was knighted’ mean?

a. He started working with the knights of Queen Elizabeth

b. He acquired guards so as to protect his work

c. He became a soldier

d. He was honoured for his life’s work by the Queen

6. Which faculty did Medawar get his Bachelor’s from?

a. Magdalen College

b. Marlborough College

c. Oxford University

d. St. John’s College